by Trevor Stocker

What an absolutely storming performance from all of the boys today! 
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As we warmed up the heavens opened, making the pitch and players very muddy from the start! But there must have been something in the rain as it fired up the Star Strike boys who dominated from the starting whistle.
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The first goal coming to Maxi just moments into the match closely followed by a second goal from Ezra. Following which the Priory Celtic team pushed into our half, but good composure saw the ball cleared up the pitch to a corner ball for us, with a great chance for Reuben saved.
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Our midfielders and forwards kept pressure on the restart and the opponents goal kicks were being intercepted. Ezra took a great chip over the keeper for his second! This was again quickly followed by a second goal for Maxi. 
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Composure and concentration required again as Priory pushed into our half forcing an awesome save from our stand-in Goal Keeper Kiran to keep a clean sheet.
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Shortly after, Jacob broke through the midfield for his first goal of the match, the boys totally fired up for an awesome win by this point. The confidence of the hard work put in during training sessions was paying off with some accurate passing to beat the opponents.
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20 minutes in and the battle heated up in midfield, the muddy conditions and continued heavy rain at times making it hard. Despite the pressure the Star Strike boys kept their cool with Ezra taking his third goal for the hat-trick! Again shortly followed by another great effort from Maxi, which resulted in a penalty. Maxi took the penalty, with a great strike past the keeper for his hat-trick too. 
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Just before the half time whistle Jokubas had an amazing break through the midfield to get another goal on the score sheet!
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With half time scores at 8-0, Scott our Coach gave a great talk to the team to keep it together for the second half.
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The second half saw newcomer Jake slot in at left back where he gave a solid performance and some great tackles.
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A quick pass up the field though led to the one and only goal for Priory Celtic taking the scores to 8-1.
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After this, we again seemed to step up a gear and really put the pressure back onto them. Great performances from across the team, from fantastic saves by Kiran, Nathan confidently taking the ball forward, some amazing crosses into the box from a number of players. 
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Reuben then opened the scoring for us in the second half with a well battled goal over the line, followed closely by a second goal for Jacob. 
Teddy had a number of chances and some great strikes that were frustrated by the keeper and defenders. However, he assisted with an awesome cross to Reuben for him to take his second goal of the match. Great work in the midfield by Jokubas too really stretched our opponents.
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The opponents were kept at bay from scoring by some strong defensive moves from, Pharren, Riley, Dylan, Cam, Nathan and newcomer Jake.
Our goals kept on coming though with Maxi, Jacob, and Ezra all finding the back of the net again to take the total up to a historic 15! Despite the best efforts of Daniel and Teddy to increase this further.
There has been so much improvement in our team since our last match against Priory Celtic when we lost 2 -1. Newcomers have strengthened the team and good attendance at training has really helped boost this improved performance. A fantastic effort by all the boys who were all buzzing at the end.
The difficult decision for Man of Match was awarded to Maxi by a parent vote at the end for opening the scores and a really great performance thorughout.

Players: Ezra, Reuben, Maxi, Teddy (Captain) Kieran (GK) Dylan, Jake (newcomer) Riley, Jacob, Jokubas, Cameron, Nathan, Pharen, Daniel
Man of the Match: Maxi  

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