Star Strike taught a lesson by young league side

by Steve Ralling

Sadly, another mis-matched fixture against a league team playing in their top division. 


Despite being a year younger than our team, they easily beat us with some very good organised football
(they had even just completed a league fixture before playing us the same day, yet they showed no signs 
of match fatigue).


The game started brightly enough but South Normanton were awarded a penalty early on for a blatant 
hand-ball in the area, which they put away past a diving Cayleb.


The first half continued with with Star Strike lads unable to get a grip on the game and sitting far too deep, 
allowing South Normanton to play high up the pitch.


Some excellent saves and blocks from Cayleb kept the scoreline to a single goal at half time.

A half-time talk from Manager Scott lifted the spirits a bit, but this was short-lived, with South Normanton 
scoring another 5 goals in the second half, with Star Strike making errors all over the pitch.


Heads dropped and players were even asking to be substituted - clearly demoralised by the onslaught of the opposition.

'Not a good day at the office' was how Scott summed it up after the game had finished.

All was not gloomy though! - An excellent debut from Nathan saw him pick up an undisputed Man of the Match award for putting in a huge effort all over the pitch and trying to show how it should be done. Looking forward to seeing much more from this young man!

Players: Cayleb (GK), Dylan, Daniel, Riley, Nathan, Cameron (c), Maxi, Kiran, Teddy and Reuben
Man of the Match: Nathan

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