Yet another closely matched game against a well organised opposition

by Steve Ralling

The game started brightly enough, with Star Strike taking a two goal lead within the first 5 minutes.
Just after the kick-off, a Star Strike attack saw a good shot from Kiran fumbled into the net by a combination of goalkeeper and defender. 


Minutes later, another attack ended with Jokubas firing low into the net.
The lead was short-lived however as Second Chance brought on their big guns in the form of substitutions.
Their first goal came from a long-distance effort that found its way through Star Strike defenders' legs and into the net.


Shortly after, a quickly-taken corner was turned into the net while the Star Strike defenders were still trying to organise themselves for the corner. It would appear that no-one heard the referee's whistle and didn't know the corner had been taken...


All level at half time.

The second half started brightly after some strong words from Head Coach Scott during the break.
Star Strike were rewarded with another goal shortly after with Maxi firing a powerful shot low past the keeper.


Second Chance came back strongly though with a wave of attacks, which saw them equalise with a fine shot just inside Cayleb's near post. 
Second Chance then took the lead for the first time in this match, scoring from close range.
Star Strike put the score level again with Ezra hitting a brilliant long-range shot which found the back of the net, but it was Second Chance who got 'all 3 points' by scoring late on in the game.


Despite a valiant effort by the Star Strike lads, with many shots going wide of the target, the game ended in a win for Second Chance.
A very good game overall, played in a sporting manner with both sides showing respect after the game.
We look forward to playing Second Chance again soon and hopefully will come away with the points next time!

Well done lads - another good team effort!

Players: Cayleb, Daniel, Dylan, Jokubas, Jude, Kiran, Riley, Oscar, Cameron, Reuben, Maxi, Ronneyo
Goalscorers: Kiran, Jokubas, Maxi, Ezra
MOTM: Jude

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