All Square at Southglade Park

by Steve Ralling

Once again, we played another team of similar ability to our own. Priory Celtic turned out in a very smart green and white kit, but were only able to field enough players to play 7v7 rather than our usual 9v9.

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Star Strike started the stronger of the two sides, attacking quickly from the off, but Priory defended well and managed to hold back the Star Strike attack.

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Star Strike got the break they deserved, when a quick break found Ezra in space to lash home a fine goal from 5 yards.

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Priory fought valiantly for the rest of the first half, winning several corners, but Star Strike's marking was excellent throughout and Cayleb's goal was never really under threat.

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The second half started as a more lively affair, with Priory pushing hard for an equaliser from the start. Their link-up play was improved after the half-time talk and Star Strike were limited to just a few shots on goal, none of which found their target. 

Three times, Star Strike found themselves through one-on-one with the Priory keeper, who played brilliantly keeping the ball out of his net on each occasion.

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Priory's improved performance in the second half saw them rewarded with a fine goal, when their striker picked up the ball in space and smashed it past a diving Cayleb for the equaliser. For once, the Star Strike's marking was not as good as it could have been, resulting in this goal.

The game finished with a series of Star Strike corners, but the winning goal just would not come as many chances were put wide or were well saved by the keeper - clearly Priory's Man of the Match.

A well-earned draw against a good opposition!

Players: Cayleb, Daniel, Dylan, Jokubas, Jude Kiran, Maxi, Oscar, Reuben, Riley, Ronneyo, Cameron
Goalscorer: Ezra
Man of the Match: Ezra

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