
by Steve Ralling

Today we came up against a very well organised Beaufort side who clearly had a lot of experience playing as a team.

The signs were there right from the start when the nine Star Strike lads turned up before the match only to see a full squad of at least 15 Beaufort players going through their warm-up exercises with their coach!

The game started well, with Star Strike stringing together some nice passes in midfield, but Beaufort played with a high press and our defenders sat very deep allowing them to come on to us. This continued throughout the game, with Beaufort showing their obvious experience in all areas.

Some excellent work from Ezra down the right wing, linking up well with Jokubas and Maxi showed signs of promise, as well as good positional play from Cameron and Reuben, always looking to make themselves available. Reuben showed some great skills on the ball and Dylan and Riley did their best to hold back the Beaufort attack.

Beaufort made some substitutions at half-time, allowing them to bring on some 'fresh legs', but as we had no substitutes ourselves, our brave nine continued to fight to the end.

Sadly, we lost this game and there are areas that Manny and Scott will want to work on, but this was a good start against some very good opposition. 

A late goal from Ronneyo was met by cheers from the crowd and all the Star Strike players celebrated with him!

Cayleb was awarded 'man of the match' after pulling off some fine saves and blocks, without which the scoreline might have been much greater.

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Team: Cayleb, Ezra, Ronneyo, Dylan, Riley, Maxi, Jokubas, Reuben, Cameron
Goalscorers: Ronneyo
MOTM: Cayleb (GK)

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